【2024】 The Ultimate Guide to Tsukemen: History, Ingredients, and Japan’s Top 10 Shops

Aug 21, 2024

Introduction to Tsukemen: A Unique Style of Japanese Ramen

A Unique Style of Japanese Ramen

Tsukemen is a distinct style of Japanese ramen that originated in the post-war era, particularly flourishing in Tokyo. Unlike traditional ramen, where noodles are served in a hot broth, tsukemen presents the noodles and soup separately. This allows diners to dip the noodles into a rich, concentrated broth, savoring the combination of firm, chewy noodles and the deep umami of the soup.

Tsukemen offers a fresh way to enjoy ramen, and it has gained a dedicated following among ramen enthusiasts. Originating in the 1950s, the style was pioneered by the iconic "Taishoken" in Tokyo, where the founder introduced the concept of serving cold noodles alongside a flavorful dipping sauce, creating a whole new ramen experience. Today, tsukemen has expanded beyond Japan’s borders, with a variety of interpretations and styles emerging worldwide. The appeal of tsukemen lies in its unique texture and the perfect balance between the noodles and the rich, flavorful broth, offering a satisfying and distinct ramen experience.

1. What is Tsukemen?

What is Tsukemen

Tsukemen is a unique style of ramen that originated in post-war Japan, particularly developing around Tokyo. The most distinctive feature of tsukemen is that the noodles and soup are served separately. Unlike traditional ramen, where the noodles are submerged in the soup, tsukemen allows you to dip the noodles into a rich, flavorful broth yourself. This style lets you enjoy the firm texture of the noodles while savoring the full umami of the soup.

Tsukemen offers a new way to enjoy ramen and has garnered a strong following among ramen enthusiasts. It was first introduced in the 1950s in Tokyo, with "Taishoken" often credited as the original creator. The founder established a new style of ramen by serving chilled noodles, which has since spread across Japan and internationally, giving rise to various variations. The charm of tsukemen lies in the exquisite balance between the noodles' texture and the rich soup, offering a unique and satisfying culinary experience distinct from regular ramen.

2. How to Make Tsukemen

Choosing the Noodles:

Choosing the Noodles

In tsukemen, thick or medium-thick noodles are commonly used. These noodles maintain their firmness even when dipped in the soup, making them ideal for tsukemen as they can effectively absorb the soup's flavors. The robust texture of thicker noodles complements the rich dipping sauce, enhancing the overall satisfaction of the dish. Additionally, the quality of the noodles, such as those made from whole wheat or hand-made with a chewy texture, greatly influences the appeal of tsukemen.

Making the Soup:

Making the Soup

The soup for tsukemen is generally thicker and more intensely flavored than regular ramen. It’s typically made from a base of pork bones, chicken bones, and seafood, simmered for hours to extract the maximum umami from the ingredients. The soup is then seasoned with soy sauce, miso, or salt, each adding its own depth and richness, making the soup the star of the dish. Fish-based dipping sauces are particularly popular, with flavors of bonito and dried sardines concentrated to create a perfect pairing with the noodles.

Toppings and Accompaniments:

Toppings and Accompaniments

Common toppings for tsukemen include chashu (braised pork), menma (bamboo shoots), green onions, and nori (seaweed), though there’s room for creativity. For example, adding yuzu or grated daikon radish can bring a refreshing touch, while butter or cheese can add richness. You can also adjust the soup’s flavor by adding a raw egg for creaminess or a splash of vinegar for a tangy kick.

3. Types of Tsukemen

Traditional Tsukemen:

Traditional Tsukemen

Soy sauce or miso-based soups are popular, particularly in the Kanto region. This style is characterized by the perfect balance between the soup's deep flavors and the firm texture of the thick noodles. A double soup combining pork bones and seafood is also popular, offering a rich yet clean-tasting bowl. Famous Kanto establishments like "Rokurinsha" and "Tomita" are prime examples of traditional tsukemen.

Creative Tsukemen and Regional Variations:

Creative Tsukemen and Regional Variations

Across Japan, different regions have put their own spin on tsukemen. For instance, seafood-centric tsukemen, tsukemen with a refreshing yuzu flavor, and spicy tsukemen with added heat are just a few of the many variations available. In Kyoto, you might find tsukemen with a rich chicken-based soup, while in Hokkaido, miso-based soup topped with corn and butter offers a hearty experience. These regional variations combine local ingredients and flavors, providing a new taste experience that reflects the local food culture.

4. How to Enjoy Tsukemen

Tips for Eating:

Tips for Eating

To fully enjoy tsukemen, timing is key when dipping the noodles into the soup. Let the noodles soak up the soup slightly before eating, allowing you to enjoy both the flavor of the noodles and the richness of the soup simultaneously. If the soup is particularly rich, you can adjust the intensity by dipping the noodles gradually. If the soup cools down, some restaurants offer additional hot broth or sauce, so don't hesitate to ask.

Seasonal Enjoyment:

Seasonal Enjoyment

Tsukemen is a dish you can enjoy all year round, with different ways to appreciate it depending on the season. In winter, the hot, rich soup warms you up, while in summer, chilled tsukemen provides a refreshing, appetite-stimulating option. During summer, you may even find cold soups or noodles served with ice water, offering a light and refreshing way to enjoy tsukemen in hot weather. In spring and autumn, seasonal ingredients are often used in limited-time offerings, making each visit a new discovery.

5. Top 10 Recommended Tsukemen Shops in Japan

1. Chuka Soba Tomita: A Unique Ramen Experience Mastered by the King of Pork and Fish Broth

Chuka Soba Tomita

reference) https://menmusubi.com/tomita
shop Information )   https://tabelog.com/en/chiba/A1203/A120302/12000422/

"Chuka Soba Tomita" is a name that any ramen lover would recognize. Its rich and deep pork and fish broth has revolutionized the ramen industry, captivating the hearts of many ramen fans. Located in Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture, Tomita draws long lines of eager customers daily, but its appeal goes beyond just the taste of the ramen. This article delves into the many charms of Tomita.

A Rich Bowl Mastered by the King of Pork and Fish Broth
Tomita's signature dish is undoubtedly the "Tsukemen." The rich soup, simmered for hours from pork bones and fish, delivers a powerful umami that fills your mouth with every sip. The perfect blend of pork’s richness and fish’s aroma creates a deep, complex flavor.

The noodles are medium-thick and homemade, with a rich wheat flavor that perfectly complements the thick dipping sauce. The dish is topped with chashu, menma, and nori, each enhancing the soup's umami.

Constantly Evolving Ramen
Tomita is always evolving. In addition to the regular tsukemen, seasonal and collaboration ramen dishes frequently appear, keeping the experience fresh and exciting for ramen lovers. Tomita also invests heavily in ramen research and development, influencing other ramen shops with its innovative techniques.

Meticulously Crafted Ramen
Tomita's ramen showcases an unwavering commitment to quality. The pork bones are selected from premium domestic pork, while the seafood is carefully blended to achieve a complex, deep flavor. The noodles, too, have been refined through countless trials and adjustments to reach their current perfection. For Tomita’s owner, making ramen is a form of culinary art, and every bowl reflects his dedication and gratitude towards the ingredients and customers.

Tasting Report: Tsukemen (TOKYO-X Pork Bone and Fish Broth)
I tried the classic "Tsukemen (TOKYO-X Pork Bone and Fish Broth)." The rich dipping sauce, condensed with pork bone umami, spreads a sense of happiness throughout your mouth with every sip. The noodles, rich in wheat flavor, pair perfectly with the sauce, offering a satisfyingly chewy texture. The chashu is tender and juicy, with concentrated meat flavor.

Tomita's ramen can truly be called a "ramen masterpiece." The rich and deep flavors leave a lasting impression that makes it unforgettable. For any ramen enthusiast, Tomita is a must-visit, standing at the pinnacle of the ramen world.

2. Chuka Soba Uezu: A Supreme Bowl Blooming in Yamanashi, Inheriting Tomita’s DNA

Chuka Soba Uezu

reference) http://blog.livedoor.jp/hisnow-ramen/archives/44507195.html
shop Information )   https://tabelog.com/en/yamanashi/A1901/A190101/19008413/

If you're talking ramen in Yamanashi, you can't miss "Chuka Soba Uezu." Opened by Mr. Uezu, who trained at the famous "Chuka Soba Tomita" in Chiba, this shop blends Tomita’s pork and fish broth techniques with local Yamanashi ingredients to create a one-of-a-kind ramen experience.

Elevating Tomita’s Spirit with Local Ingredients
Uezu's ramen features a rich pork and fish broth. Building on the deep flavors learned at Tomita, Uezu adds fresh seafood and vegetables from Yamanashi to create an even deeper flavor profile. The addition of yuzu provides a refreshing accent to the rich broth, allowing you to enjoy it without getting tired of the taste.

Savoring the Changing Seasons
One of Uezu's highlights is its seasonal menu, which changes throughout the year. You can enjoy creative ramen using Yamanashi’s seasonal ingredients, like bamboo shoot ramen in spring or chilled ramen in summer. Every visit brings new discoveries, making it a destination worth returning to.

Meticulously Crafted Ramen
Uezu's ramen reflects a strong commitment to quality ingredients. The pork bones and seafood used in the soup are carefully selected by the owner, while the noodles have been refined through repeated trials to reach their current state. Mr. Uezu views ramen-making as culinary art, and his dedication and gratitude towards the ingredients and customers shine through in every bowl.

Tasting Report: Rich Pork Bone and Fish Tsukemen
I tried the signature "Rich Pork Bone and Fish Tsukemen." The thick dipping sauce, concentrated with pork bone umami, fills your mouth with happiness from the first sip. The noodles, rich in wheat flavor, pair perfectly with the sauce, offering a satisfyingly chewy texture. The chashu is tender and juicy, with concentrated meat flavor.

Uezu’s ramen perfectly embodies the phrase "once-in-a-lifetime experience." Built on the techniques honed at Tomita and enhanced with local ingredients, Uezu offers a unique bowl of ramen you won’t find anywhere else. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind experience.

3. Tokyo Style Noodle Hotate Biyori: A New Sensation of Kelp Water Tsukemen Packed with Scallop Umami

Tokyo Style Noodle Hotate Biyori

reference) https://ramendiet.net/tokyo-chiyoda/post-37257/
shop Information )   https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1310/A131001/13280086/

"Tokyo Style Noodle Hotate Biyori" in Akihabara, Tokyo, has made waves in the ramen world with its innovative style and rich scallop flavor. Since its opening, the shop has consistently drawn long lines of eager customers. But the charm of Hotate Biyori extends beyond just the taste of the ramen. This article explores what makes Hotate Biyori so special.

A New Sensation of Kelp Water Tsukemen Packed with Scallop Umami
Hotate Biyori’s signature dish is the "Scallop Kelp Water Tsukemen." This new style of ramen involves dipping noodles soaked in kelp water into a rich scallop-based dipping sauce. The smooth texture of the kelp water clings to the noodles, filling your mouth with the deep umami of scallops and the briny aroma of kelp. You can also enjoy a variety of flavor changes by adding different condiments.

Constantly Evolving Ramen
Hotate Biyori continues to evolve, with new seasonal and collaboration ramen dishes appearing regularly, keeping the experience fresh for ramen lovers. The shop also invests in ramen research and development, influencing other ramen shops with its innovative techniques.

Meticulously Crafted Ramen
Hotate Biyori’s ramen showcases a strong commitment to quality ingredients. The scallops used in the soup are carefully selected for freshness, and the kelp is sourced from Hokkaido, simmered over a long period to extract its full flavor. The noodles, too, have been refined through countless trials and adjustments to reach their current perfection. The owner views ramen-making as culinary art, and every bowl reflects his dedication and gratitude towards the ingredients and customers.

Tasting Report: Scallop Kelp Water Tsukemen
I tried the signature "Scallop Kelp Water Tsukemen." The smooth texture of the noodles, soaked in kelp water, is pleasantly refreshing, with the wheat’s aroma spreading through your mouth. Dipping the noodles into the sauce brings out the rich umami of scallops, filling your mouth with happiness. The various condiments allow for flavor variations, making the dish enjoyable to the last bite.

Hotate Biyori’s ramen perfectly embodies the phrase "once-in-a-lifetime experience." The blend of rich scallop umami and the refreshing kelp water offers a new and unique ramen experience that you simply must try.

4. Menya Itto: A Unique Ramen Experience Mastered by the Pioneer of Thick Chicken and Fish Broth

Menya Itto

reference)  https://ramenlove.net/2020/03/13/itto/
shop Information )   https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1312/A131204/13111737/

"Menya Itto" is nothing short of revolutionary in the ramen world. Its rich chicken and fish broth has captivated countless ramen fans, setting a new standard in the industry. Located in Katsushika, Tokyo, Itto consistently draws long lines of eager customers. But the appeal of Itto goes beyond just the taste of the ramen. This article delves into what makes Itto so special.

A Unique Ramen Mastered by the Pioneer of Thick Chicken and Fish Broth
Itto’s signature dish is the "Thick Chicken and Fish Tsukemen." The rich dipping sauce, made from chicken bones simmered for hours, concentrates the umami of chicken and fish, creating a deep, complex flavor. The homemade noodles, rich in wheat flavor, pair perfectly with the thick dipping sauce, offering a satisfying texture. The dish is topped with chashu, soft-boiled eggs, and menma, each enhancing the sauce’s umami.

Constantly Evolving Ramen
Itto is always evolving. In addition to the regular tsukemen, new seasonal and collaboration ramen dishes appear regularly, keeping the experience fresh for ramen lovers. Itto also invests in ramen research and development, influencing other ramen shops with its innovative techniques.

Meticulously Crafted Ramen
Itto’s ramen showcases a strong commitment to quality ingredients. The chicken bones used in the soup are selected from premium domestic chickens, while the seafood is carefully blended to achieve a complex, deep flavor. The noodles, too, have been refined through countless trials and adjustments to reach their current perfection. For Itto’s owner, making ramen is a form of culinary art, and every bowl reflects his dedication and gratitude towards the ingredients and customers.

Tasting Report: Thick Chicken and Fish Tsukemen
I tried the signature "Thick Chicken and Fish Tsukemen." The thick dipping sauce, concentrated with chicken umami, spreads a sense of happiness throughout your mouth with every sip. The noodles, rich in wheat flavor, pair perfectly with the sauce, offering a satisfyingly chewy texture. The chashu is tender and juicy, with concentrated meat flavor.

Itto’s ramen can truly be called a "ramen masterpiece." The rich and deep flavors leave a lasting impression that makes it unforgettable. For any ramen enthusiast, Itto is a must-visit, standing as a legend in the ramen world.

5. Chuka Soba Takano: The Pinnacle of Refined Ramen Representing Kanagawa

Chuka Soba Takano

reference) https://tsukemen-tabetai.com/tsukemen/takano_oguchi
shop Information )  https://tabelog.com/kanagawa/A1401/A140211/14071663/

"Chuka Soba Takano," located in Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, has quickly risen to fame as one of the city’s top ramen shops since its opening in 2018. The shop has captured the hearts of ramen lovers with its clear soy sauce broth and perfectly balanced homemade noodles. This article explores what makes Takano so special.

An Exquisite Bowl Shining with Select Ingredients and Careful Craftsmanship
Takano’s ramen lives up to its name, made with premium ingredients and careful craftsmanship. The broth is made from carefully selected chicken bones and seafood, simmered slowly to extract deep umami. The noodles, rich in wheat flavor, pair perfectly with the broth. The soy sauce used is a blend of several types, creating a soy sauce tare unique to Takano, with a perfect balance of sharpness and mellowness, adding depth and complexity to the broth.

Opening New Frontiers in Refined Ramen
Takano’s ramen, with its refined taste and high level of craftsmanship, is often described as the pinnacle of refined ramen. The clear broth, with its pronounced chicken and kelp umami, offers a delicate and sophisticated flavor that spreads across your palate. The noodles, made in-house, are smooth and perfectly complemented by the broth, resulting in a truly exceptional bowl.

Meticulously Crafted Ramen
Takano’s ramen showcases a strong commitment to quality ingredients. The chicken bones and seafood used in the broth are carefully selected by the owner, who travels across the country to find the best. The noodles, too, have been refined through countless trials and adjustments to reach their current perfection. For Takano’s owner, making ramen is a form of culinary art, and every bowl reflects his dedication and gratitude towards the ingredients and customers.

Tasting Report: Chicken Soy Sauce Ramen
I tried the shop’s signature "Chicken Soy Sauce Ramen." The clear broth carries a delicate aroma of chicken. A sip of the broth fills your mouth with the rich umami of chicken, balanced with the sharpness and depth of soy sauce. The noodles are smooth and perfectly complemented by the broth, offering a delightful texture. The chashu is tender and juicy, with concentrated meat flavor.

Takano’s ramen perfectly embodies the phrase "once-in-a-lifetime experience." Every visit brings new discoveries, making it a place you’ll want to return to again and again. The ramen, made with premium ingredients and careful craftsmanship, is something you must experience.

6. YOKOKURA STOREHOUSE: A Unique Ramen Experience That Redefines Kelp Water Tsukemen


reference) https://ameblo.jp/toshikun0316/entry-12751083329.html
shop Information )  https://tabelog.com/en/tochigi/A0902/A090203/9018935/

Located in Oyama, Tochigi Prefecture, "YOKOKURA STOREHOUSE" has made waves in the ramen world with its innovative style and pursuit of new possibilities in kelp water tsukemen. Since its opening, the shop has consistently drawn long lines of eager customers. But the charm of YOKOKURA STOREHOUSE extends beyond just the taste of the ramen. This article explores what makes YOKOKURA STOREHOUSE so special.

A Unique Ramen Redefining Kelp Water Tsukemen
YOKOKURA STOREHOUSE’s signature dish is the "Kelp Water Tsukemen." This new style of ramen involves dipping noodles soaked in kelp water into a rich dipping sauce. But unlike other kelp water tsukemen, the kelp water here is a carefully crafted broth that stands on its own. The soup delivers the full umami of kelp, complemented by the delicate flavor of bonito flakes and a hint of sweetness. The homemade noodles, rich in wheat flavor, pair perfectly with the broth, offering a satisfying texture.

Constantly Evolving Ramen
YOKOKURA STOREHOUSE continues to evolve, with new seasonal and collaboration ramen dishes appearing regularly, keeping the experience fresh for ramen lovers. The shop also invests in ramen research and development, influencing other ramen shops with its innovative techniques.

Meticulously Crafted Ramen
YOKOKURA STOREHOUSE’s ramen showcases a strong commitment to quality ingredients. The kelp is sourced from Hokkaido, simmered slowly to extract its full flavor, and the bonito flakes are carefully selected and shaved. The noodles, too, have been refined through countless trials and adjustments to reach their current perfection. The owner views ramen-making as culinary art, and every bowl reflects his dedication and gratitude towards the ingredients and customers.

Tasting Report: Kelp Water Tsukemen with Soft-Boiled Egg (Soy Sauce)
I tried the signature "Kelp Water Tsukemen with Soft-Boiled Egg (Soy Sauce)." The smooth texture of the noodles, soaked in kelp water, is pleasantly refreshing, with the umami of kelp filling your mouth. Dipping the noodles into the sauce brings out the rich umami of seafood and pork, spreading a sense of happiness throughout your mouth. The soft-boiled egg, with its rich, runny yolk, pairs perfectly with the dipping sauce.

YOKOKURA STOREHOUSE’s ramen perfectly embodies the phrase "once-in-a-lifetime experience." The unique blend of kelp water and rich dipping sauce offers a new and exceptional ramen experience that you simply must try.

7. Noroshi: The Pinnacle of Thick Pork and Fish Ramen Representing Saitama


reference) https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/udontraveler/diary/202209150000/
shop Information )  https://tabelog.com/en/saitama/A1101/A110101/11004115/

Located in Kita Ward, Saitama City, "Noroshi" has captivated countless ramen fans with its rich pork and fish broth, earning a reputation as one of Saitama’s premier ramen shops. Since its opening, the shop has consistently drawn long lines of eager customers. But the charm of Noroshi extends beyond just the taste of the ramen. This article explores what makes Noroshi so special.

The Pinnacle of Thick Pork and Fish Ramen
Noroshi’s signature dish is the "Thick Pork and Fish Ramen." The rich broth, simmered for hours from pork bones and fish, delivers a powerful umami that fills your mouth with every sip. The perfect blend of pork’s richness and fish’s aroma creates a deep, complex flavor.

The noodles are homemade and rich in wheat flavor, pairing perfectly with the thick broth. The dish is topped with chashu, soft-boiled eggs, and nori, each enhancing the broth’s umami.

Constantly Evolving Ramen
Noroshi is always evolving. In addition to the regular thick pork and fish ramen, new seasonal and collaboration ramen dishes appear regularly, keeping the experience fresh for ramen lovers. Noroshi also invests in ramen research and development, influencing other ramen shops with its innovative techniques.

Meticulously Crafted Ramen
Noroshi’s ramen showcases a strong commitment to quality ingredients. The pork bones used in the broth are selected from premium domestic pork, while the seafood is carefully blended to achieve a complex, deep flavor. The noodles, too, have been refined through countless trials and adjustments to reach their current perfection. The owner views ramen-making as culinary art, and every bowl reflects his dedication and gratitude towards the ingredients and customers.

Tasting Report: Thick Pork and Fish Ramen
I tried the signature "Thick Pork and Fish Ramen." The thick broth, concentrated with pork umami, spreads a sense of happiness throughout your mouth with every sip. The noodles, rich in wheat flavor, pair perfectly with the broth, offering a satisfyingly chewy texture. The chashu is tender and juicy, with concentrated meat flavor.

Noroshi’s ramen can truly be called a "ramen masterpiece." The rich and deep flavors leave a lasting impression that makes it unforgettable. For any ramen enthusiast, Noroshi is a must-visit, standing as a pinnacle of Saitama’s ramen scene.

8. Menya Kissa Ryosuke: An Exquisite Bowl of Pork and Fish Ramen Perfected by a Popular Kiba Restaurant

Menya Kissa Ryosuke

reference) https://ameblo.jp/toshikun0316/entry-12724401588.html
shop Information ) https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1313/A131303/13021140/

Located in Kiba, Koto Ward, Tokyo, "Menya Kissa Ryosuke" has captivated many ramen fans with its perfect balance of pork and fish broth and flavorful homemade noodles. As a regular on Tabelog’s list of the top 100 ramen shops, this popular spot is a must-visit for any ramen lover. This article delves into what makes Ryosuke so special.

A Gentle Pork and Fish Broth Filled with the Love of a Husband and Wife
Ryosuke’s ramen features a perfect balance of pork and fish broth, offering a mild and well-rounded flavor. The rich pork umami and gentle fish flavor blend harmoniously, filling your mouth with a satisfying umami. The broth is made by simmering pork bones for hours, then adding fish to create a deep, complex flavor. The homemade noodles, rich in wheat flavor, pair perfectly with the broth, offering a satisfying texture. The dish is topped with chashu, soft-boiled eggs, and menma, each enhancing the broth’s umami.

The Warm Atmosphere of a Family-Run Shop
Ryosuke is a family-run shop, and the warm atmosphere created by the husband and wife team is one of its charms. The owner’s careful craftsmanship and his wife’s warm smile make the shop a welcoming place, with each customer treated with care, adding to the overall warmth of the restaurant.

A Tsukemen You Can Eat Every Day!
The tsukemen is also a popular menu item, with the rich dipping sauce and homemade noodles offering a perfect balance of flavors. The sauce, concentrated with pork and fish umami, is so delicious that you won’t be able to stop eating. The noodles, when dipped in the sauce, enhance the umami even more, making every bite enjoyable to the end.

Meticulously Crafted Ramen
Ryosuke’s ramen showcases a strong commitment to quality ingredients. The pork bones used in the broth are selected from premium domestic pork, while the seafood is carefully blended to achieve a complex, deep flavor. The noodles, too, have been refined through countless trials and adjustments to reach their current perfection. The owner views ramen-making as culinary art, and every bowl reflects his dedication and gratitude towards the ingredients and customers.

Tasting Report: Soft-Boiled Egg Ramen
I tried the "Soft-Boiled Egg Ramen." The clear broth carries a delicate aroma of pork and fish. A sip of the broth fills your mouth with the rich umami of pork, balanced with the gentle and well-rounded flavor of fish. The noodles are smooth and perfectly complemented by the broth, offering a delightful texture. The soft-boiled egg, with its rich, runny yolk, pairs perfectly with the dipping sauce.

Ryosuke’s ramen perfectly embodies the phrase "once-in-a-lifetime experience." The ramen, filled with the love and care of the husband and wife team, is something you must try. Enjoy the warm, delicious ramen and experience the love that goes into every bowl.

9. Mendokoro Honda Akihabara Main Store: A Supreme Bowl That Redefines Soy Sauce Ramen

Mendokoro Honda Akihabara Main Store

reference) https://100meiten.com/tokyo/1779/#google_vignette
shop Information )   https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1310/A131001/13246285/

Located in Akihabara, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, "Mendokoro Honda Akihabara Main Store" is a ramen shop led by the legendary Honda chef. His soy sauce ramen, with its deep flavor and high level of craftsmanship, has captivated many ramen fans. As a regular on Tabelog’s list of the top 100 ramen shops, this popular spot is a must-visit for any ramen lover. This article delves into what makes Honda so special.

Rich Soy Sauce Aroma and Deep Flavor
Honda’s signature dish is the "Special Soy Sauce Ramen." The clear broth, made from chicken bones and seafood simmered for hours, is rich in the aroma of soy sauce. A sip of the broth fills your mouth with the rich umami of chicken, balanced with the sharpness and depth of soy sauce. The homemade noodles, rich in wheat flavor, pair perfectly with the broth. The soy sauce tare, unique to Honda, is a blend of several types, offering a perfect balance of sharpness and mellowness, adding depth and complexity to the broth.

A Bowl Shining with Delicate Craftsmanship and Commitment to Ingredients
Honda’s ramen is often described as the pinnacle of soy sauce ramen, with its refined taste and high level of craftsmanship. The clear broth, with its pronounced chicken and kelp umami, offers a delicate and sophisticated flavor that spreads across your palate. The homemade noodles are smooth and perfectly complemented by the broth, resulting in a truly exceptional bowl.

Meticulously Crafted Ramen
Honda’s ramen showcases a strong commitment to quality ingredients. The chicken bones and seafood used in the broth are carefully selected by the owner, who travels across the country to find the best. The noodles, too, have been refined through countless trials and adjustments to reach their current perfection. For Honda’s owner, making ramen is a form of culinary art, and every bowl reflects his dedication and gratitude towards the ingredients and customers.

Tasting Report: Special Soy Sauce Ramen
I tried the shop’s signature "Special Soy Sauce Ramen." The clear broth carries a delicate aroma of chicken. A sip of the broth fills your mouth with the rich umami of chicken, balanced with the sharpness and depth of soy sauce. The noodles are smooth and perfectly complemented by the broth, offering a delightful texture. The chashu is tender and juicy, with concentrated meat flavor.

Honda’s ramen perfectly embodies the phrase "once-in-a-lifetime experience." Every visit brings new discoveries, making it a place you’ll want to return to again and again. The ramen, made with premium ingredients and careful craftsmanship, is something you must experience.

10.  Tsukesoba Kanda Katsumoto: A Revolutionary Tsukemen Crafted by a French Chef

Tsukesoba Kanda Katsumoto

reference) https://esuya.jugem.jp/?eid=3344
shop Information )  https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1310/A131003/13192433/

Located in Jimbocho, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, "Tsukesoba Kanda Katsumoto" is a tsukemen specialty shop led by Chef Yasushi Matsumura, known for his Michelin-starred restaurant "Ginza Hachigo." The shop’s innovative tsukemen, which blends French culinary techniques with ramen, has captivated many ramen fans. This article delves into what makes Kanda Katsumoto so special.

A Unique Tsukemen Shining with French Techniques
Kanda Katsumoto’s signature dish is the "Soft-Boiled Egg Clear Broth Tsukesoba." The clear broth, made from chicken bones and seafood simmered for hours, is served with two types of noodles: firm thin noodles and smooth flat noodles. You can enjoy the individual characteristics of each noodle or mix them to discover new flavors. The broth, made by carefully simmering dried sardines and mackerel, offers a clear and rich flavor, showcasing the chef’s expertise in drawing out the umami of the ingredients.

A New Tsukemen Experience with Two Types of Noodles
One of the unique features of Kanda Katsumoto’s tsukemen is that it offers two types of noodles. The firm thin noodles allow you to fully appreciate the flavor of the broth, while the smooth flat noodles offer a harmonious experience with the broth. You can enjoy the individual characteristics of each noodle, or mix them to discover new textures and flavors.

Meticulously Crafted Tsukemen
Kanda Katsumoto’s tsukemen showcases a strong commitment to quality ingredients. The chicken bones and seafood used in the broth are carefully selected by the owner, who travels across the country to find the best. The noodles, too, have been refined through countless trials and adjustments to reach their current perfection. Chef Matsumura views ramen-making as culinary art, and every bowl reflects his dedication and gratitude towards the ingredients and customers.

Tasting Report: Soft-Boiled Egg Clear Broth Tsukesoba
I tried the shop’s signature "Soft-Boiled Egg Clear Broth Tsukesoba." The clear broth carries a delicate aroma of dried sardines and mackerel. A sip of the broth fills your mouth with the rich umami of seafood, balanced with the sharpness of soy sauce. The noodles are smooth and perfectly complemented by the broth, offering a delightful texture. The soft-boiled egg, with its rich, runny yolk, pairs perfectly with the dipping sauce.

Kanda Katsumoto’s tsukemen perfectly embodies the phrase "once-in-a-lifetime experience." The unique blend of French techniques and ramen offers a new and exceptional tsukemen experience that you simply must try.

6. Enjoying Tsukemen at Home

Convenient Tsukemen Kits:

Convenient Tsukemen Kits

In recent years, kits for enjoying tsukemen at home have become increasingly popular. These kits make it easy to recreate tsukemen that closely resembles the taste of specialty shops. The kits come with soup concentrates and noodles, making preparation simple. You can adjust the thickness of the soup and the firmness of the noodles to your liking, allowing you to create a personalized tsukemen experience. Additionally, by adding your own toppings or customizing the soup, you can enjoy your own original tsukemen at home.

Simple Tsukemen Recipe:

Simple Tsukemen Recipe

Here’s a basic recipe for making tsukemen at home. First, use store-bought Chinese noodles and make a soup by simmering pork or chicken bones, adding soy sauce or miso for seasoning. To enhance the umami, add bonito flakes or dried sardines to the soup and simmer until the flavors are well-blended. Once the soup is ready, cook the noodles, cool them in ice water, and serve them tsukemen-style. Top with chashu, soft-boiled eggs, and green onions for a simple yet authentic tsukemen experience. While tsukemen can be easily enjoyed at home, the variety of noodles and soups you can create is limitless.

7. FAQs

How is tsukemen different from ramen?

How is tsukemen different from ramen?

Tsukemen differs from ramen in that the noodles and soup are served separately. In ramen, the noodles are already submerged in the soup when served, while in tsukemen, you dip the noodles into the soup yourself. The soup is usually thicker, and the noodles are often served chilled, providing a different texture and flavor from traditional ramen.

Is tsukemen high in calories?

The calorie content of tsukemen depends on the type of soup, noodles, and toppings used. Since tsukemen often features rich broth and fatty toppings, it tends to be higher in calories than regular ramen. However, healthier options are becoming more available, including tsukemen with lower-calorie ingredients, making it accessible to health-conscious individuals.

What are the recommended toppings for tsukemen?

Popular toppings include chashu, soft-boiled eggs, green onions, and menma. Seasonal vegetables, seaweed, and yuzu peel are also recommended. For example, the refreshing aroma of yuzu can add a new accent to the flavor of tsukemen. You can also experiment with different toppings to create a bowl that suits your taste.

8. Conclusion

The Future and Potential of Tsukemen

The Future and Potential of Tsukemen:

Tsukemen is expected to continue evolving as a dish that offers both simplicity and deep flavors. With the introduction of new flavors and health-conscious variations, tsukemen will likely become even more beloved by people worldwide. The possibilities are endless, with options like healthy whole-grain noodles and vegan tsukemen made with plant-based broths. As tsukemen’s popularity continues to grow internationally, we can look forward to its expansion across the globe.

Give It a Try!:

Tsukemen offers a new culinary experience distinct from ramen. If you haven’t tried it yet, now is the time to discover its unique appeal. With a wide range of variations, from traditional to creative tsukemen, there’s a perfect bowl waiting for you. Enjoy the fun of exploring different types of tsukemen and finding your personal favorite.

Enjoy Authentic Japanese Ramen at Home with the RAMEN SAMURAI Subscription


RAMEN SAMURAI Subscription


If this article has sparked your interest in enjoying authentic Japanese ramen, we highly recommend subscribing to RAMEN SAMURAI. RAMEN SAMURAI is a subscription service that delivers carefully selected ramen from Japan’s most popular and renowned shops directly to your doorstep every month. Each month, you’ll receive five different types of ramen, with a total of eight servings, allowing you to explore the rich and diverse flavors of Japan’s culinary scene.


For just $90 per month, you can embark on a culinary journey through Japan’s ramen culture without leaving your home. Each delivery includes a variety of ramen from well-known establishments as well as hidden gems only known to locals. The ramen is shipped directly from Japan, ensuring that you receive the freshest, most authentic flavors possible.


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With RAMEN SAMURAI, you can savor the authentic taste of Japan’s finest ramen each month, transforming your meals into a true culinary experience. Don’t wait—subscribe now and let the flavors of Japan come to you!